About Your Glow Script

Hey there, beautiful souls!

I’m Hyeon, and I am beyond thrilled to have you join me on this exciting journey in the world of self-care and love through skincare.

My story with self-love has been quite the roller coaster ride, and I bet many of you can relate. My own journey actually started with skincare!

Back in the day, my skin wasn’t always my best friend. Nope, it felt more like a frenemy during my adolescence, thanks to those pesky acne breakouts. I’ve been through the wringer with all sorts of treatments, including some seriously painful laser sessions. The peeling and purging afterward felt like a never-ending nightmare.

But, hey, beauty is pain, right?

As I entered my early 20s, my skin situation improved, but the self-consciousness lingered from my teenage years. I was on high alert for breakouts and constantly stressing about my skin’s natural fluctuations.

Everything changed when I stumbled upon some skincare gurus on YouTube. It turns out, not all skincare products are the same! Learning about what was poisoning my skin and what could genuinely benefit my skin was a game-changer.

For me, self-love began with knowledge. Understanding how to care for myself, both inside and out, had a profound impact on my well-being. Now, every morning and night, I lavish the love and care that I truly deserve. It’s all about embracing the beauty that comes from knowing how to pamper and cherish yourself.

So, let’s dive into the world of self-love, where we’ll learn how to treat ourselves right, both in mind and body.

Welcome to a place where self-love meets glowing skin!